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法蘭西菊(學名:Leucanthemum vulgare,常見品種包括 Leucanthemum maximum),又稱歐洲雛菊或牛眼菊,是一種屬於菊科的多年生草本植物,以其嬌艷的花朵和耐寒特性聞名。法蘭西菊花朵呈白色花瓣與黃色花心,形狀簡單優雅,開花期通常在春末至夏初(4月至6月),花期長達數周。它的植株高度約30-60厘米,適應性強,耐貧瘠土壤和半陰環境,是公園、庭院及花境的理想選擇。


The French Marigold (scientific name: Leucanthemum vulgare, with common varieties including Leucanthemum maximum), also known as the Oxeye Daisy or European Daisy, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Asteraceae family, celebrated for its vibrant flowers and cold-hardy nature. The French Marigold features white petals surrounding a yellow center, with a simple yet elegant shape, blooming from late spring to early summer (April to June) for several weeks. The plant grows to a height of about 30-60 cm, is highly adaptable, tolerating poor soils and partial shade, making it an excellent choice for parks, gardens, and flower borders.

In park applications, the French Marigold is a top choice for shaped flower sea designs due to its uniform flower shape and stunning mass-planting effect. When planted in large groups, it creates vibrant, layered floral landscapes, ideal for public green spaces, scenic pathways, or garden designs. Its low maintenance needs and disease resistance make it a favorite among landscape designers. Additionally, the French Marigold attracts bees and butterflies, enhancing ecological diversity, while its bright colors elevate the visual appeal of parks.


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