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哥爾夫肥-Floranid Twin turf 20-5-8-2 25kg



每60-90日/用1-3次/每平方米/ 30-50克


Slow-Release Fertilizers
Slow-release NPK fertilizer with ISODUR® and CROTODUR® (double N
technology) for high-value sports and leisure turfs and on public greens.
With the double N technology made of ISODUR® and CROTODUR®
Reliable slow nitrogen release over several months
Promotes vital root growth, increases the resistance of the grasses
Reduction of workload, application risk and nutrient losses due to
Optimal granulation for a fine distribution
Floranid® Twin Turf has an ideal nutrient ratio for high-quality turf. The good nitrogen utilization, the turf suitable
nutrient ratio as well as the addition of iron and trace nutrients result in a high total fertilizer efficacy which
also meets the demands of high-value sports turf areas.
Floranid® Twin Turf contains the double N technology made of ISODUR® and CROTODUR® for efficient and
controlled nitrogen release over a period of up to 4 months. The activity index is over 95%. The double N
technology ensures long-term nutrient supply, ensures maximum N efficiency and leads to optimum growth
and good coloring. Each granule contains all nutrients and thus guarantees a very exact distribution of all

Product Specification:

  • 20% N
  • 5% P2O5
  • 8% K2O
  • 2% MgO

Manufacturer: Compo Expert (Germany)

Packing: 25kg




  • 專門為易損耗的草坪設計的緩釋型複合肥料,適用於足球場,高爾夫球場,賽馬場以及花園
  • 促進良好的根部發育,使草皮牢固地在土壤中扎根


  • 20% N
  • 5% P2O5
  • 8% K2O
  • 2% MgO

生產商: Compo Expert (德國)

包裝: 25公斤

哥爾夫肥-Floranid Twin turf 20-5-8-2 25kg

    Whatsapp: (852) 93884413
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